Sadat Welfare Society is an international, nonprofit Islamic organization. Whether it is applicable to extreme poverty or impending disasters, it concentrates its humanitarian-aid efforts on supplying the essential necessities of food, economics, education, natural disaster, health care, sanitary water, and sanctuary to those who are most in need. However, the Foundation makes it possible for persons who could otherwise be in tough crisis or quandary conditions in life to purchase health treatment, educational instant schooling, clean sanitary difficulties, clothing, and installation orphanage dwelling care.
It all began when our investigative team verified that we had delved into extremely impoverished and terrible locations, whether it was Pakistan or Afghanistan. Today, we have tight control over aid, especially inaccessible and outlying areas where there are no amenities or facilities. not even in a modest array of improvements. As a result, it demonstrates a consistent approach to all citizens of the nation with relation to the economy, education, natural disasters, health care, clean water, and refuge.
In order to have the biggest possible influence on the lives of some of the poorest and most vulnerable individuals on earth, we design and implement charitable programs.
The Sadat Welfare Society is committed to enhancing the quality of life for people in Pakistan and Afghanistan by constructing water wells. In order to provide populations without access to clean, safe water, this initiative involves drilling boreholes and setting up hand pumps.
Donate Qurbani to help distribute nutritious meat to over 1 million Afghans and Pakistanis in need, including flood victims, on the occasion of Eid al-Adha
Help us arrange more Iftar programs for the neediest families in Afghanistan and Pakistan. We serve Iftar to thousands of people each Ramadan. Join us to serve better and more!
With the contribution of Muslimin, we have started tent distribution among the needy families in the rural areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan